+91- 9911107772, 011-49058710             mcs@manovikas.co.in


SMILE (Special Minds In Loving Environment)

Special Minds In Loving Environment (SMILE): The SMILE project is an innovative program brought to you by the Manovikas Charitable Society is in collaboration with Home of Hope International Youth Chapter, which was launched on January 27, 2019, under the leadership of 10-year-old Amora Singh.

Manbhavan Virtual Learning and Performance

Manbhavan is under the SMILE programme of Home of Hope Inc: Manbhavan is initiated upon the idea that our persons with disabilities have special minds and a soul, and that minds and soul are a source of endless energy for love.

Mashavara Live

Mashavara is a live consultation for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and Manbhavan tries to engage these kids in joyful learning through recreational activities with famous maestros.


Our Project for disabled Persons -Pre Schooling (Early Child Care):   Special Education Quality of Life Care Skill Training/Vocational Training speech therapy Guidance and Counselling for children and adults with : Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Intellectual Disability (ID) Specific Learning Difficulties..

Family Counselling

We provide you best service of : Assesment, Dignosis Counselling for the people with disability Manovikas Charitable society suggest the client as per the report is concern.

Training and Empowerment

Manovikas specialize to conduct the training and empowerment program in three basic areas:   (1) Education (2) Care (3) Advocacy
The topic related to above areas are benefiting human services provider working with people with disabilities.

Make My Choice

MMC is focused on helping disabled people learning to make choices and how to choose the best for themselves. Mentally challenged people often don’t get taken seriously when they want to make a choice for themselves.

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